

Chattanooga, TN

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Draped in her CPRWrap, Felicia turned to TikTok to share her story and the importance of CPR knowledge to educate others and help them keep their loved ones safe.

Account size

120.1 thousand followers

Most popular video

11.2 million views

Active on TikTok

4 years years


Visit cprwrap.com to get 35% off right now! After you receive your kit post a picture with your CPRWrap to win an amazing prize❤️

Chattanooga, TN

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Would you know what to do if you had to perform CPR? Would you trust a stranger would know how to save your life or someone you love?

Chattanooga, TN

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Being prepared to help save a life is one of the most selfless acts you can do. ❤️ CPRWrap was invented to help empower everyday people to confidently perform CPR.

Chattanooga, TN

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With CPRWrap, Felicia turned a potentially devastating event into a powerful experience and personal success, earning over $600,000 in 2023. Thanks to the reach and engagement TikTok provides, Felicia can spread awareness about the importance of CPR training and has helped to save multiple lives in the process.

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